Wuvi Studio ئاپەکان

Mengenal Pahlawan Nasional 1.2
Wuvi Studio
Daftar Lengkap 163 (159+4) Pahlawan NasionalIndonesia159 pahlawan sebelum 2014 ditambah 4 pahlawan nasional yangditetapkan sejak 6 November 2014Pahlawan Nasional adalah gelar yang diberikan kepada seseorang yanggugur atau meninggal dunia demi membela bangsa dan negara, atauyang semasa hidupnya melakukan tindakan kepahlawanan ataumenghasilkan prestasi dan karya yang luar biasa bagi pembangunandan kemajuan bangsa dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia(NKRI).Gelar Pahlawan Nasional ditetapkan oleh presiden. Sejakdilakukan pemberian gelar ini pada tahun 1959, nomenklaturnyaberubah-ubah. Untuk menyelaraskannya, maka dalam Undang-UndangNomor 20 Tahun 2009 disebutkan bahwa gelar Pahlawan Nasionalmencakup semua jenis gelar yang pernah diberikan sebelumnya, yaitu:Pahlawan Kemerdekaan Nasional, Pahlawan Proklamator, PahlawanRevolusi, Pahlawan Kebangkitan Nasional, Pahlawan PerintisKemerdekaan, dan Pahlawan Ampera.Dalam Aplikasi ini terdapat daftar 163 tokoh yang telah ditetapkansebagai Pahlawan Nasional. Sebelum tahun 2014 terdapat 159 pahlawannasional, pada tahun 2014 melalui Keputusan Presiden No.115/TK/2014yang ditandatangani Presiden Joko Widodo pada tanggal 6 November2014 menetapkan 4 pahlawan nasional baru, sehingga jumlah seluruhpahlawan nasional menjadi 163.Khusus mengenai Pahlawan Perintis Kemerdekaan dan PahlawanAmpera tidak dimasukkan ke dalam daftar ini (dikarenakan perdebatanyang sampai saat ini masih berlangsung mengenai statusnya).Semoga bermanfaat buat kita semua.Complete List of 163 (159+ 4) Indonesian National Hero159 heroes of 2014 plus 4 national hero who set out on November6, 2014National Hero is a title given to someone who died or died indefense of the nation and the state, or who perform heroic deedsduring his lifetime or the achievements and outstanding work forthe development and progress of the nation and the Unitary State ofthe Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).The title of National Hero set by the president. Since be givingthis title in 1959, changing its nomenclature. To align, then inAct No. 20 of 2009 mentioned that the title of National Heroincludes all kinds of titles ever given previously, namely:National Hero, Hero proclaimed, revolutionary heroes, Heroes ofNational Awakening, Heroes of Independence Pioneers and HeroesAmpera.It is included in the list of 163 leaders who have been designatedas a National Hero. Before 2014 there were 159 national hero, in2014 through Presidential Decree No. 115 / TK / 2014 signed byPresident Joko Widodo on November 6, 2014 set four new nationalhero, so that the total number of national heroes to 163.Especially on Independence Pioneers and Heroes Heroes Ampera arenot included in this list (because the debate is still ongoingregarding the status).Hopefully useful for all of us.
Belajar Sholat Untuk Muallaf 1.5
Wuvi Studio
Tuntunan Belajar Sholat Buat Saudara / Saudari Yang Baru MasukIslam (Muallaf)
Surah Yasin Plus Audio MP3 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Download this application for free, SurahYasin Plus MP3 Audio is an application that make you able to recitethe text of Surah Yasin from the Holy Quran including listen to MP3audio from world famous reciter Saad Al Ghamdi.Just download and install the app you will have the surah Yasinincluding the MP3 audio, you do not need Internet connection orWIFI when using this application.From the START MENU- You are able to choose only the text of surah Yasin to reciteit- Or you can choose recite text of surah yasin while listening theMP3 audio- If you can not read arabic text you can choose thetransliteration only- English and Bahasa Indonesia translation are available.The Benefits of Surah Yasin1. The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘Surelyeverything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur’an is Yasin. Iwould love that it be in the heart of every person of mypeople'[Bazzar]. (S.Muhammad Ali Sabuni, Tafsir-al-SabuniVol.2)2. The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, ‘Whoever recitesYasin once Allah will record the reward of reciting the Qur’an tentimes.'[Maqal, Tirmidhi 2812/A & Dhahabi]3. It has been reported by Aisha (radiAllahu anha)that theProphet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said that there is a surah inthe Qur’an that intercedes for itsreciter and forgive its listener.Know! It is Surah Yasin. It is called ‘Mu’amma’ in the Torah. Itwas enquired, what is Mu’amma? The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhiwasalam) said, ‘it embraces the person with the goodness of thisworld and removes the dismay of the Hereafter’[Hashiya of TafsirJalalalayn , pg 368].
Quran MP3 Offline 30 Juz Part1 1.1
Wuvi Studio
Just install this application you will get holy quran reciting bySyeikh Saad Alghamdi, no need internet connection to play or usethis application, audio MP3 was included. no need to downloadseparately.In this Quran MP3 Offline 30 juz Part1 containing:1. Al Fateha2. Al Baqarah3. Al Imron4. An Nisa'5. Al Maedah6. Al An Am7. Al A'raf8. Al Anfal9. At Taubah10. YunusFor full version (also Free App) of this Quran, please visistour store WUVI STUDIO in Google Play, and Please download the app!,the app name is Al Quran MP3 Completed Offline.
Saad Al Ghamidi MP3 Juz 30 1.4
Wuvi Studio
This Application Contain Holy Al Quran juz 30Recited by Saad Al Ghamidi, and the MP3 Audio is included offline,so you do not need internet connection or wifi to listen or playthis application.Saad Al Ghamidi recite from surah An Naba until An NasFeatured :* Easy Navigate* Only one touch Control* No drag and drop* No Scroll* Just tab to look for Next PageSurah List (Table of Content) :An-Naba' (The Announcement)An-Nazi'at (Those Who Yearn)'Abasa (He Frowned)At-Takwir (The Folding Up)Al-Infitar (The Cleaving)At-Tatfif (Default in Duty)Al-Inshiqaq (The Bursting Asunder)Al-Buruj (The Stars)At-Tariq (The Comer by Night)Al-A'la (The Most High)Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event)Al-Fajr (The Daybreak)Al-Balad (The City)Ash-Shams (The Sun)Al-Lail (The Night)Ad-Duha (The Brightness of the Day)Al-Inshirah (The Expansion)At-Tin (The Fig)Al-'Alaq (The Clot)Al-Qadr (The Majesty)Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence)Al-Zilzal (The Shaking)Al-'Adiyat (The Assaulters)Al-Qari'ah (The Calamity)At-Takathur (The Abundance of Wealth)Al-'Asr (The Time)Al-Humazah (The Slanderer)Al-Fil (The Elephant)Al-Quraish (The Quraish)Al-Ma'un (Acts of Kindness)Al-Kauthar (The Abundance of Good)Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)An-Nasr (The Help)Al-Lahab (The Flame)Al-Ikhlas (The Unity)Al-Falaq (The Dawn)An-Nas (The Men)
Surah Ar Rohman Plus MP3 Audio 1.3
Wuvi Studio
Download this application for free, Surah ArRohman Plus MP3 Audio is an application that make you able torecite the text of Surah Ar Rohman from the Holy Quran includinglisten to MP3 audio from world famous reciter Saad Al Ghamdi.Just download and install the app you will have the surah Ar Rohmanincluding the MP3 audio, you do not need Internet connection orWIFI when using this application.From the START MENU- You are able to choose only the text of surah Ar Rohman to reciteit- Or you can choose recite text of surah Ar Rohman while listeningthe MP3 audio- Or play the mp3 audio onlyThe Benefits of Surah Ar RohmanProphet Mohammad (PBUH) said:'Everything has a bride, and the bride of the Qur'an is Surrah AlRahman'The Holy Prophet has also said:"Whoever reads it, Allah will have mercy on his weakness and beregarded as having thanked Allah for it"Imam Jaffer al-Sadiq (a.s.) has said:"Allah will brighten the face of everyone who recites it often onthe day of Judgement"Sura Rahman is often regarded as "THE BEAUTY OF THE QURAN"The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) went to the companionsand recited Surah ar Rahman but they were all quiet. He told themthat he went to the jinn and recited it to them and they wereresponsive. And when he would recite the verses 'And which of thefavours of the Lord will you deny' the jinn would respond 'There isnothing among your bounties that we can deny, all praise belong toAllah'[Tirmidhi, Ibn al Mundhir, Al Adhama & Hakim 2/474]Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, 'Everything has an adornment, andthe adornment of the Qur'an is Surah ar Rahman'[Bayhaqi in Shuab al Eiman]
Sudais Quran MP3 1.6
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app even withoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Abdul Rahman As Sudais or Al sudes orAbdurrahman Al Sudais.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Maher Moagely Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app even withoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Maher Moagely or Sheikh Maher Moagely or SyeikhMaher Muaiqly.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Yasser Al Dossari Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app even withoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Abdullah Ali Huthaify or Sheikh Al Dossari orShaikh Yasser Al Dossari.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Ahmed Al Ajmi Quran Mp3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app even withoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Ahmed Al Ajmi .Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Fares Abbad Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app even withoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Fares Abbad or Sheikh Fares Abbad.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Fahad Al Kandari Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app even withoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Fahad Al Kandari or Syeikh Fahad Al-Kandari orSyeikh Al Kandari.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Mexico Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Mexico Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or OtherAndroid Device
Japan Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Japan Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or Other AndroidDevice
LadyBugs Tap 1.3
Wuvi Studio
LadyBugs Tap Is Simple Casual That Very EasyTo PlayHow to Play:- Just tap or touch the ladybugs (double tap)- Collect the points by touch the ladybug- every ladybug you touch will earn 100 points- And Try to collect the ladybugs as many as you can to earn morepoints
Italy Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Italy Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or Other AndroidDevice
Portugal Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Portugal Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or OtherAndroid Device
Canada Radio
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Canada Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or OtherAndroid Device
Jamiyah Yasin Ngrangkok Tengah 1.0
Wuvi Studio
This is Text Recitation of Surat YasinthatRead by Jamiyah Yasin Ngrangkok Tengahcontain text of Surah Yasin, Dua after recited surah yasin andTextof Asmaul Husna.including mp3 of surah yasin recired by Syeikh Saad Al Ghamdi
Al Quran Audio MP3 Full Offline 1.0
Wuvi Studio
By downloading and installing the application Quran Audio Full 30Juz, you can listen to all the verses in the Quran and also all theverses in the Qur'an, without exception, although the size of thisapplication is small at about 90 Mega but already contains audioall the letters in the Al Quran is complete. Application Al Quranaudio is also very for you who are memorizing the Koran. Since thisapplication has features - features that are quite complete.Featured: - Audio / MP3 is already included in the installer, soyou do not need to download them again when running thisapplication and can be run offline - There is a button play, stopand pause at each sura. - The application is still running eventhough the screen is off or you are running other applications. -To turn off applications running in the back just press the musicicon in the top left corner and turn off. - There is a repetitionor repeat mode settings - You can share / share to friends viamedsos, email or via bluetooth. - At the time of playing the audioyou can simply move to another surah click title will display aselection of surah surah to scroll downwards or upwards. - You canset your every surah your favorite as a ring tone, notificationtone or alarm tone you, how by clicking on the name of the sura andhold it will display options. Also Featured: * download mp3 alquran offline * al quran mp3 offline * al quran mp3 offline apk *al quran mp3 offline for android * aplikasi al quran mp3 offline *al quran mp3 mishary rashid alafasy * quran offline for pc *mishary full offline quran mp3 * al quran mp3 free download * appoffline quran reciter sheikh mishary * al quran mp3 saad al ghamdi* quran mishary app * mishary rashid alafasy quran app * quran mp3full * quran mp3 full offline * quran mp3 full audio offline *quran all surah mp3 free download * download full quran * quran mp3sudais * quran audio download * free quran download for mobile *quran mp3 player * quran mp3 with urdu translation free download *quran audio online * sudais full quran download * quran offline forpc * surah rehman abdur rehman sudais mp3 * sheikh sudais quran 114* abdul rahman al sudais full quran mp3 free download * freedownload quran mp3 * download quran for reading free * completequran audio Mp3 Surah List offline: - Al-Fatihah (The Opening) -Al-Baqarah (The Cow) - Al-'Imran - An-Nisa' - Al-Ma'idah - Al-An'am- Al-A'raf - Al-Anfal - Al-Bara'at / At-Taubah - Yunus - Hud -Yusuf - Ar-Ra'd - Ibrahim - Al-Hijr - An-Nahl - Bani Isra'il -Al-Kahf - Maryam - TaHa - Al-Anbiya' - Al-Hajj - Al-Mu'minun -An-Nur - Al-Furqan - Ash-Shu'ara' - An-Naml - Al-Qasas -Al-'Ankabut - Ar-Rum - Luqman - As-Sajdah - Al-Ahzab - Al-Saba' -Al-Fatir - Yasin - As-Saffat - Sad - Az-Zumar Al-Mu'min Ha MimAsh-Shura Az-Zukhruf - Ad-Dukhan - Al-Jathiyah - Al-Ahqaf -Muhammad - Al-Fath - Al-Hujurat - Qaf - Ad-Dhariyat - At-Tur -An-Najm - Al-Qamar Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah Al-Hadid - Al-Mujadilah -Al-Hashr - Al-Mumtahanah - As-Saff - Al-Jumu'ah - Al-Munafiqun -At-Taghabun At-Talaq At-Tahrim Al-Mulk Al-Qalam Al-HaqqahAl-Ma'arij - Nuh - Al-Jinn Al-Muzzammil - Al-Muddaththir -Al-Qiyamah - Al-Insan - Al-Mursalat - An-Naba' - An-Nazi'at - 'Abasa - At-Takwir - Al-Infitar - At-Tatfif - Al-Inshiqaq - Al-Buruj- At-Tariq - Al-A'la - Al-Ghashiyah - Al-Fajr - Al-Balad -Ash-Shams - Al-Lail - Ad-Duha - Al-Inshirah - At-Tin - Al-'Alaq -Al-Qadr - Al-Bayyinah - Al-Zilzal - Al-'Adiyat - Al-Qari'ah -At-Takathur - Al-'Asr - Al-Humazah - Al-Fil - Al-Quraish - Al-Ma'un- Al-Kauthar - Al-Kafirun - An-Nasr - Al-Lahab - Al-Ikhlas -Al-Falaq - An-Nas Hopefully Quran Audio Full application could beuseful for you and the Muslims in general. If anything is missingplease provide feedback to the benefit and improvement of thisapplication. Thanks.
Azan MP3 Full Offline 1.6
Wuvi Studio
Listening Azan MP3 Offline Recited by Many of Muadzin like HamadDeghreri, Az Zahrani etc. Download and install this app tolistening beautifull voices of 5 Muadzin. Muadzin List: HamadDeghreri Mishary Majed Al Hamathani Ibrahim Al Arkani Mansoor AzZahrani Featured: - Azan audios - Azan without Net - Azan fullvoice without Internet voice Azan - WEDDING voice without Internet- Azan voice Sheikh Azan without Internet - Azan without fullInternet voice and image - Azan in full voice and image withoutaccess to the Internet - Azan full voice Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdiwithout Internet - Azan without full Internet voice and image -Athan s - Resurrection Azan - Azan without full Internet voice -Azan full voice without Internet - Azan Azan full - Azan Azan Karimcomplete without Internet mp3 - Complete Azan Aasiraldosri withoutNet - Azan mp3 voice of Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Ajmi withoutAnthernt - Download the Azan without Internet - Afasy withoutInternet - Azan without Internet - Azan in full voice and imagewithout access to the Internet - WEDDING cream for Azan - Azanwithout full Internet - Aallasi songs - Azan mp3 without Internetwithout Net - Azan full voice Saud Al-Shuraim without Internet -Azan without Net - Azan without full Internet - Azan without fullInternet voice - Azan mp3 without Internet - Azan mp3 withoutInternet without Net - Azan voice Azan Internet - Azan without fullInternet - Read Surah Yasin Azan - Azan without full Internet voice- Improve the Azan voice Mashary without Internet - Azan voice Azanwithout Internet - Azan Warsh - Azan voice and image withoutInternet - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad - Azan without full Internetvoice - Azan without Anturntd Basit Abdul Samad without Internet -Azan full voice Azan without Internet - Azan Hood mp3 - ImproveSaud Al-Shuraim - Sura voice Azan without Internet - Azan mp3without Internet without Net - Azan recited without Internet - TheCave voice Azan without Internet - Azan exorcism in islam mp3 -Azan voice Azan without Internet - Azan voice and image withoutInternet Mashary - Download mp3 Azan without Internet - Downloadthe Azan mp3 complete without Internet - The Cave voice Masharywithout Internet - Azan in full voice, - Download the Azan fullvoice Maher Almaikulai without Net - Songs Afasy 2017 - Azan bySheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi - Azan Mashary without Net - Azan - Yasserdosari mp3 - Coran Azan - Azan doussari - Cheikh yasser doussari -Azan karim sans internet mp3 gratuit - Azan sourat al kahf - Azanroqya - Nasir al qatami - Athan sans internet - Athan tajwid -Athan tajwid coran complet - Athan mp3 - Athan - Athan mp3 - Azanyoussef - Yasser dosari al qiyamah - Azan Azan - Azan karim warch -Sorat alkahf gratuit - Azan 60 hizb - Azan sans internet - CoranAzan - Cheikh yasser doussari - Azan karim sans internet - Azankarim gratuit - Azan sourat al kahf - Azan roqya - Ali jaber coranmp3 gratuit - Azan youssef - Sourate al baqara sans internet -Sourate al baqara soudais mp3 - Machari al 3afassi - Mohamed ismail- Azan Azan - Saad al ghamidi coran - Azan 60 hizb - Azan mp3 60hizb - Abdelbasset abdessamad mp3 - 9oran Azan
Ayat Kursi MP3 Full Offline 1.6
Wuvi Studio
Listening Ayatul Kursi MP3 Offline Recited by Many Sheikh or Imams,Download and install this Ayatul Kursi MP3 application. Reciters:Abdul Basit Mishary Rashid Al Afasy Muhammad Al Luhaidan Saad AlGhamidi Abdur Rahman As Sudais Maher Al Muagely Benefits of ReadingAyat Kursi / Ayatul Kursi: *A Guarantee of Paradise inshaAllah! *Itwas narrated that Abu Umamah said: The Messenger of Allah (peaceand blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursiimmediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothingstanding between him and his entering Paradise except death.”(Reported by An-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban.) *In it the Most Great Nameof Allah (ismullahi al-’atham) is mentioned. *It protects one’sself, property and home from the shayatin (devils) and brings onerelief from difficulties. *The believer who recites it following anobligatory salah is under the Care and Protection of Allah untilthe commencement of the next prayer. *It is the only place in theQuran where the Kursi (Footstool of Allah) is mentioned *It bringsan abundance of blessings when recited and blown upon food anddrink Featured: - Yasser al audios - Ayatul Kursi without Net -Koran full voice without Internet voice Yasser al - WEDDING voicewithout Internet - Quran voice Sheikh Yasser al without Internet -Holy Quran without full Internet voice and image - Koran full voiceSheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi without Internet - Holy Quran without fullInternet voice and image - Ayat Kursi s - Resurrection Yasser al -Holy Quran without full Internet voice - Holy Quran full voicewithout Internet - Yasser al Koran full - Yasser al Quran Karimcomplete without Internet mp3 - Complete Quran Aasiraldosri withoutNet - Download the Koran without Internet - Afasy without Internet- Ayatul Kursi without Internet - Holy Quran in full voice andimage without access to the Internet - WEDDING cream for Yasser al- Ayatul Kursi without full Internet - Aallasi songs - Yasser almp3 without Internet without Net - Koran full voice Saud Al-Shuraimwithout Internet - Ayatul Kursi without Net - Ayatul Kursi withoutfull Internet - Holy Quran without full Internet voice - Holy Quranmp3 without Internet - Yasser al mp3 without Internet without Net -Quran voice Ayatul Kursi Internet - Ayatul Kursi without fullInternet - Read Surah Yasin Yasser al - Holy Quran without fullInternet voice - Improve the Koran voice Mashary without Internet -Quran voice Yasser al without Internet - Quran Warsh - Koran voiceand image without Internet - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad - Holy Quranwithout full Internet voice - Koran without Anturntd Basit AbdulSamad without Internet - Koran full voice Yasser al withoutInternet - Yasser al Hood mp3 - Improve Saud Al-Shuraim - Suravoice Yasser al without Internet - Yasser al mp3 without Internetwithout Net - Koran recited without Internet - The Cave voiceYasser al without Internet - Yasser al exorcism in islam mp3 -Quran voice Yasser al without Internet - Koran voice and imagewithout Internet Mashary - The Cave voice Mashary without Internet- Songs Afasy 2017 - Holy Quran by Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi - quranMashary without Net - Ayat Kursi - Ayat Kursi mp3 - Coran AyatKursi - Koran karim sans internet mp3 gratuit - Ayat Kursi souratal kahf - Ayat Kursi roqya - Nasir al qatami - Ayat Kursi sansinternet - Ayat Kursi tajwid - Ayat Kursi tajwid coran complet -Ayat Kursi mp3 - Ayat Kursi - Ayat Kursi mp3 - Ayat Kursi youssef -Ayat Kursi al qiyamah - Ayatul Kursi quran - Koran karim warch -Sorat alkahf gratuit - Ayat Kursi 60 hizb - Ayat Kursi sansinternet - Coran Ayat Kursi - Cheikh yasser doussari - Koran karimsans internet - Koran karim gratuit - Ayat Kursi sourat al kahf -Ayat Kursi roqya - Ali jaber coran mp3 gratuit - Ayat Kursi youssef- Sourate al baqara sans internet - Sourate al baqara soudais mp3 -Machari al 3afassi - Mohamed ismail - Ayatul Kursi quran - Saad alghamidi coran - Ayat Kursi 60 hizb - 9oran Ayat Kursi
Sudais Full Quran MP3 Offline 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Al Quran Kareem Offline Recited by As Sudais From YourSmartphone You don't wifi or internet connection to play this appall are included on the APK installer
Surah Al Muzammil Plus MP3 1.5
Wuvi Studio
Recite Surah Al Muzammil From Al-Quran Plus MP3 Audio Offline
New York Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to New York Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or OtherAndroid Device
Yasin MP3 1.5
Wuvi Studio
Listening Surah Yasin or Yaseen MP3 From Al Quran Recited By 10Imams offline
Shaikh Ali Jabir Quran MP3 Full Offline 1.5
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3 Juz 30 offline modeso you are able to play this app even without internet connectionor wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 or Juz Amma Recited ByAbdullah Ali Jabir or Sheikh Ali Jaber or ShaikhAbdullah Ali Jaber.Featured: - Ali Jabir audios - Abdullah Ali Jabir without Net -Koran full voice without Internet voice Ali Jabir - WEDDING voicewithout Internet - Quran voice Sheikh Ali Jabir without Internet -Holy Quran without full Internet voice and image - Holy Quran infull voice and image without access to the Internet - Koran fullvoice Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi without Internet - Holy Quran withoutfull Internet voice and image - Abdullah Ali Jabir s - ResurrectionAli Jabir - Holy Quran without full Internet voice - Holy Quranfull voice without Internet - Ali Jabir Koran full - Ali JabirQuran Karim complete without Internet mp3 - Complete QuranAasiraldosri without Net - Holy Quran mp3 voice of Sheikh Ahmed binAli Al-Ajmi without Anthernt - Download the Koran without Internet- Afasy without Internet - Abdullah Ali Jabir without Internet -Holy Quran in full voice and image without access to the Internet -WEDDING cream for Ali Jabir - Abdullah Ali Jabir without fullInternet - Aallasi songs - Ali Jabir mp3 without Internet withoutNet - Koran full voice Saud Al-Shuraim without Internet - AbdullahAli Jabir without Net - Abdullah Ali Jabir without full Internet -Holy Quran without full Internet voice - Holy Quran mp3 withoutInternet - Ali Jabir mp3 without Internet without Net - Quran voiceAbdullah Ali Jabir Internet - Abdullah Ali Jabir without fullInternet - Read Surah Yasin Ali Jabir - Holy Quran without fullInternet voice - Improve the Koran voice Mashary without Internet -Quran voice Ali Jabir without Internet - Quran Warsh - Koran voiceand image without Internet - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad - Holy Quranwithout full Internet voice - Koran without Anturntd Basit AbdulSamad without Internet - Koran full voice Ali Jabir withoutInternet - Ali Jabir Hood mp3 - Improve Saud Al-Shuraim - Suravoice Ali Jabir without Internet - Ali Jabir mp3 without Internetwithout Net - Koran recited without Internet - The Cave voice AliJabir without Internet - Ali Jabir exorcism in islam mp3 - Quranvoice Ali Jabir without Internet - Koran voice and image withoutInternet Mashary - Download mp3 Koran without Internet - Downloadthe Koran mp3 complete without Internet - The Cave voice Masharywithout Internet - Holy Quran in full voice, Saad Al-Ghamdi withoutInternet 60 party full - Download the Koran full voice MaherAlmaikulai without Net - Songs Afasy 2017 - Holy Quran by SheikhAhmed Al Ajmi - quran Mashary without Net - Abdullah Ali Jabir -Yasser dosari mp3 - Coran Abdullah Ali Jabir - Ali Jabir doussari -Cheikh yasser doussari - Koran karim sans internet mp3 gratuit -Abdullah Ali Jabir sourat al kahf - Abdullah Ali Jabir roqya -Nasir al qatami - Abdullah Ali Jabir sans internet - Abdullah AliJabir tajwid - Abdullah Ali Jabir tajwid coran complet - AbdullahAli Jabir mp3 - Abdullah Ali Jabir - Abdullah Ali Jabir mp3 -Abdullah Ali Jabir youssef - Yasser dosari al qiyamah - AbdullahAli Jabir quran - Koran karim warch - Sorat alkahf gratuit -Abdullah Ali Jabir 60 hizb - Abdullah Ali Jabir sans internet -Coran Abdullah Ali Jabir - Cheikh yasser doussari - Koran karimsans internet - Koran karim gratuit - Abdullah Ali Jabir sourat alkahf - Abdullah Ali Jabir roqya - Ali jaber coran mp3 gratuit -Abdullah Ali Jabir youssef - Sourate al baqara sans internet -Sourate al baqara soudais mp3 - Machari al 3afassi - Mohamed ismail- Abdullah Ali Jabir quran - Saad al ghamidi coran - Abdullah AliJabir 60 hizb - Abdullah Ali Jabir mp3 60 hizb - Abdelbassetabdessamad mp3 - 9oran Abdullah Ali Jabir
Abdul Basit Quran MP3 Full Offline 1.5
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy Quran MP3 Juz 30 offline modeso you are able to play this app even without internet connectionor wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30 MP3 or Juz Amma Recited ByAbdul Basit Abdul Samad or Abdul Basit Abdulsamad or AbdulBasitAbdus Samad. - Abdul Basit without Net - Quran voice Sheikh Yasseral without Internet - Holy Quran without full Internet voice andimage - Holy Quran in full voice and image without access to theInternet - Koran full voice Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi without Internet- Holy Quran without full Internet voice and image - Abdul BasitAbdul Samad s - Resurrection Yasser al - Holy Quran without fullInternet voice - Holy Quran full voice without Internet - Yasser alKoran full - al Quran Karim complete without Internet mp3 -Complete Quran Aasiraldosri without Net - Holy Quran mp3 voice ofSheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Ajmi without Anthernt - Download the Koranwithout Internet - Afasy without Internet - Abdul Basit withoutInternet - Holy Quran in full voice and image without access to theInternet - Abdul Basit without full Internet - Aallasi songs -Yasser al mp3 without Internet without Net - Koran full voice SaudAl-Shuraim without Internet - Abdul Basit without Net - Abdul Basitwithout full Internet - Holy Quran without full Internet voice -Holy Quran mp3 without Internet - Yasser al mp3 without Internetwithout Net - Quran voice Abdul Basit Internet - Abdul Basitwithout full Internet - Read Surah Yasin Yasser al - Holy Quranwithout full Internet voice - Improve the Koran voice Masharywithout Internet - Quran voice Yasser al without Internet - QuranWarsh - Koran voice and image without Internet - Abdul Basit AbdulSamad - Holy Quran without full Internet voice - Koran withoutAnturntd Basit Abdul Samad without Internet - Koran full voiceYasser al without Internet - Yasser al Hood mp3 - Improve SaudAl-Shuraim - Sura voice Yasser al without Internet - Yasser al mp3without Internet without Net - Koran recited without Internet - TheCave voice Yasser al without Internet - Yasser al exorcism in islammp3 - Quran voice Yasser al without Internet - Koran voice andimage without Internet Mashary - Download mp3 Koran withoutInternet - Download the Koran mp3 complete without Internet - TheCave voice Mashary without Internet - Holy Quran in full voice,Saad Al-Ghamdi without Internet 60 party full - Download the Koranfull voice Maher Almaikulai without Net - Songs Afasy 2017 - HolyQuran by Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi - quran Mashary without Net - Korankarim sans internet mp3 gratuit - Yasser dossari sourat al kahf -Yasser dossari roqya - Nasir al qatami - Abdul Basit Abdul Samadsans internet - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad tajwid - Abdul Basit AbdulSamad tajwid coran complet - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad mp3 - AbdulBasit Abdul Samad - Abdul Basit Abdul Samad mp3 - Yasser dossariyoussef - Yasser dosari al qiyamah - Abdul Basit quran - Korankarim warch - Sorat alkahf gratuit - Yasser dossari 60 hizb -Yasser dossari sans internet - Coran yasser dossari - Cheikh yasserdoussari - Koran karim sans internet - Koran karim gratuit - Yasserdossari sourat al kahf - Yasser dossari roqya - Ali jaber coran mp3gratuit - Yasser dossari youssef - Sourate al baqara sans internet- Sourate al baqara soudais mp3 - Machari al 3afassi - Mohamedismail - Abdul Basit quran Table Of Content : Surat An-Naba SuratAn-Naziat Surat Abasa Surat At-Takwir Surat Al-Infitar SuratAl-Mutaffifin Surat Al-Inshiqaq Surat Al-Burooj Surat At-TariqSurat Al-Ala Surat Al-Ghashiya Surat Al-Fajr Surat Al-Balad SuratAsh-Shams Surat Al-Lail Surat Ad-Dhuha Surat Al-Inshirah SuratAt-Tin Surat Al-Alaq Surat Al-Qadr Surat Al-Bayyina SuratAz-Zalzala Surat Al-Adiyat Surat Al-Qaria Surat At-Takathur SuratAl-Asr Surat Al-Humaza Surat Al-Fil Surat Quraish Surat Al-MaunSurat Al-Kauther Surat Al-Kafiroon Surat An-Nasr Surat Al-MasaddSurat Al-Ikhlas Surat Al-Falaq Surat An-Nas
Shaikh Al Huthaify Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy QuranMP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app evenwithoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Abdullah Ali Huthaify or Sheikh AliHuthaify orShaikhAli Abdur-Rahman al-Huthaify.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Sheikh Shuraim Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy QuranMP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app evenwithoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Saud Al-Shuraim or Sheikh Shuraim orSaudAl-Shuraim.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Surah Al Kahfi Plus Audio MP3 1.6
Wuvi Studio
This Application Contain Surah Al Kahf (Kahfi) Plus Audio MP3Offline
Yasin Fares Abbad MP3 Offline 1.3
Wuvi Studio
Download and install this app the you canReadSurat Yasin (including text) or surah Yaseen from Quran WithFaresAbbad MP3 Recitation offline, audio is included so you do notneedinternet connection or wifi to play this yasin fares abbadmp3offline. and you do not need to download the mp3 fileseparately,everything are included on the APK installer. The audioMp3recitation are the voices of Syeikh Fares Abbad.
Muhammad Al Luhaidan Quran MP3 1.2
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy QuranMP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app evenwithoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Muhammad Al Luhaidan Quran orSheikhAl-Luhaidan or Muhammad Al Luhaidan Quran.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Germany Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to Germany Radio From Your Smartphone, Tablet or OtherAndroid Device
Hani Ar Rifai Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy QuranMP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app evenwithoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Hani Ar Rifai or Sheikh Hani Ar Rifai.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Nasser Al Qatami Quran MP3 1.3
Wuvi Studio
This application let you listen Holy QuranMP3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app evenwithoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Nasser Al Qatami or Sheikh Nasser AlQatami.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-Nas
Thaha Al Junayd Al-Baqarah MP3 1.6
Wuvi Studio
Surah Al-Baqarah With MP3 Audio Recited By Thaha Al Junayd (Taha AlJunaid)
Surah Maryam Plus MP3 Audio 1.6
Wuvi Studio
Reading Surah Maryam with Listening MP3 Audio Offline
Al Quran MP3 Full Offline 1.7
Wuvi Studio
Just download Al Quran MP3 Full Offline and install the app nomoredownload while playing, this apps is containing Al Quran KareemMP3Completed Offline, Small Apps only 95 MB but Contain AllQuranSurah plus Mp3. And no need internet connection or wifi toplay allsurah mp3 audio on this apps becouse all the audio recitinginincluded on this APK Installer. Featured: * This also murottalAlQuran 30 juz or al quran mp3 reciting * Including MP3 filesrecitedby Saad Al Ghamdi * Touch only to play or open next surah /surahlist * No drag and drop or sliding page * Listen audio quranonlineor download for listening offline. * Share any Quranic surahwithyour friends. Share and when ever your friend will listen, youwillget equal reward from Allah S.W.T * Play audio Quran intheBackground * Bookmark your favorite Audio surahs * Auto pauseonincoming or out going calls * Notifications * High qualityaudioQuran * Full Audio quran without internet * Quran mp3 offlinefreedownload * Full mp3 Quran * Mp3 Quran full offline * Quranofflinemp3 * Listen quran offline free * Audio quran offline *Listen andrecite quran offline * Quran mp3 offline * Quran offline* listenQuran offline free * Full Quran audio mp3 in the such abeautifulvoices * Audio Quran full Surah List (Table of Content):Al-Fatihah (The Opening) Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Al-'Imran (TheFamilyof Amran) An-Nisa' (The Women) Al-Ma'idah (The Food) Al-An'am(TheCattle) Al-A'raf Al-Anfal Al-Bara'at / At-Taubah Yunus (Jonah)Hud(Hud) Yusuf (Joseph) Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) Ibrahim(Abraham)Al-Hijr (The Rock) An-Nahl (The Bee) Bani Isra'il (TheIsraelites)Al-Kahf (The Cave) Maryam (Mary) Ta Ha (Ta Ha)Al-Anbiya' (TheProphets) Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Al-Mu'minun (TheBelievers)An-Nur (The Light) Al-Furqan (The Discrimination)Ash-Shu'ara' (ThePoets) An-Naml (The Naml) Al-Qasas (The Narrative)Al-'Ankabut (TheSpider) Ar-Rum (The Romans) Luqman (Luqman)As-Sajdah (TheAdoration) Al-Ahzab (The Allies) Al-Saba' (The Saba')Al-Fatir YaSin (Ya Sin) As-Saffat Sad (Sad) Az-Zumar Al-Mu'min (TheBeliever)Ha Mim (Ha Mim) Ash-Shura (Counsel) Az-Zukhruf (Gold)Ad-DukhanAl-Jathiyah Al-Ahqaf Muhammad Al-Fath (The Victory)Al-Hujurat Qaf(Qaf) Ad-Dhariyat At-Tur (The Mountain) An-Najm (TheStar) Al-Qamar( Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) Al-Waqi'ah (The Event)Al-Hadid (Iron)Al-Mujadilah (The Pleading Woman) Al-Hashr (TheBanishment)Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman who is Examined) As-Saff (TheRanks)Al-Jumu'ah (The Congregation) Al-Munafiqun (TheHypocrites)At-Taghabun (The Manifestation of Losses) At-Talaq(Divorce)At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) Al-Mulk (The Kingdom) Al-Qalam(ThePen) Al-Haqqah (The Sure Truth) Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent)Nuh(Noah) Al-Jinn (The Jinn) Al-Muzzammil (The One CoveringHimself)Al-Muddaththir (The One Wrapping Himself Up) Al-Qiyamah(TheResurrection) Al-Insan (The Man) Al-Mursalat (Those SentForth)An-Naba' (The Announcement) An-Nazi'at (Those Who Yearn)'Abasa (HeFrowned) At-Takwir (The Folding Up) Al-Infitar (TheCleaving)At-Tatfif (Default in Duty) Al-Inshiqaq (The BurstingAsunder)Al-Buruj (The Stars) At-Tariq (The Comer by Night) Al-A'la(TheMost High) Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event) Al-Fajr(TheDaybreak) Al-Balad (The City) Ash-Shams (The Sun) Al-Lail(TheNight) Ad-Duha (The Brightness of the Day) Al-Inshirah(TheExpansion) At-Tin (The Fig) Al-'Alaq (The Clot) Al-Qadr(TheMajesty) Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence) Al-Zilzal (TheShaking)Al-'Adiyat (The Assaulters) Al-Qari'ah (The Calamity)At-Takathur(The Abundance of Wealth) Al-'Asr (The Time) Al-Humazah(TheSlanderer) Al-Fil (The Elephant) Al-Quraish (The Quraish)Al-Ma'un(Acts of Kindness) Al-Kauthar (The Abundance of Good)Al-Kafirun(The Disbelievers) An-Nasr (The Help) Al-Lahab (TheFlame)Al-Ikhlas (The Unity) Al-Falaq (The Dawn) An-Nas (The Men)
Surah Al Baqara Plus MP3 Audio 1.7
Wuvi Studio
Recite Surah Al Baqara Plus MP3 Audio Offline, no need WIFI for theMP3 Audio
Surah Al Waqiah Plus MP3 Audio 1.8
Wuvi Studio
Reading or Reciting Surah Al Waqiah with MP3 Audio Offline
British Radio 1.0
Wuvi Studio
Listen to British or UK Radio From Your Smartphone or Other AndroidDevice